between the way it works and can be fiddled with the integrated MCM that everything seems to use, and the nice style of the icons theres enough to keep me using it exclusively.

SKY UI I was partial towards two of the FNV UI mods available but thats not the case here.
not sure what the unofficial patch resolves but it seems most 'veteran' mods are designed with it in mind (fomod/installers), therefore i use it. hard to imagine playing a bestheda game without these things. The world drifts dead as I wait to be contacted by the ruinous powers of chaos in the expecatation of conquering a new realm. Timscale slows to eternal night and references to the moon sun and stars are null. I am the last of the last and I spend my days dwelling in a voidspace between the material world and my console. They will do my will or be deleted from Nirn!ĭay 500.

But I have looked up their PRID IDs and I summon them now to me. The daedra themselves fear me, flee and hide. I feast upon NPC flesh and drink of their PRID I torment Molaag Baal in my basement and force him to wear the TS gimp hood, and do unspeakable things with his mace.ĭay 500. All mortals will soon their join their leaders. The thalmor Cell has been erased from this world. To feed upon these NPCS to rip out their hearts, erasing them and their quests from the world of Nirn completely. I've cheated hacked and picked my way through this world, but it's not enough. and I've started using console commands to delete people from existence after sucking their soul out. I've also been visiting some Daedric shrines.ĭay 150 I did not wish to but I accepted my duty and I saved the world from the Dragons. maybe i can find some satisfaction through this kind of quests. I decided to join the thieves guild and dark brotherhood. I have all these houses and homes, (I think I have a wife?) But all i do is wander caves and look for clutter people lose. Skyrim is screwed up and nobody can take care of themselves. I found an artifact in the ruins for the shopkeeper. I never want for food and I do what I can to help out. Politics be damned I will have my revenge against the imperials one way or another. I escaped a double death at helgen from dragon and exeuctioner. Life is rough as a Nord even amongst Nords.